C25K Week 8 Run 2 21.11.2019

I almost went for a run on twice in the middle of the week, on both occasions, I wimped off when I saw the temperature was hovering around 1 C. Thursday, I was back home and the routine was to take the kid for taekwondo class. By this time, I have been able to locate all my winter running appurtenances, and I was fully wrapped up and prepared for anything. As it turned out the temperature was about 6 C, while not exactly tropical, it was bearable.

Unbelievably, I faced technological failure for the third run in a row. This time, when I fished out my Garmin, I discovered it was off, entirely drained of juice. Once again, I did not let this deter me, and I recorded the run using the “old fashioned” phone app.

It was cold, but dry – didn’t start raining until much later, after my run – and so I was able to run without fear of slipping on wet leaves and such. That could explain my negative splits, and I also achieved my fastest 3 k till date. While I have still not regained my peak running form of 3 years ago, the dogged adherence to this running program is resulting in slow improvements. I have run this specific route several times in the last six months, so it is easy to chart my progress . I have gained almost a minute per km in 6 months. I cannot pretend that I have started liking it again. The last 5 minutes were a bit torturous and I had to resort to counting down from 300 slowly to try and get my mind off stopping. But I did it and now there are only 4 runs left to do.


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